Last frozen dinner

Heather was scheduled to come out in late September to help out and be around while my parents were away at a wedding. One thing that Hillary wanted to do was make sure we had at least a couple of meals, including good vegetarian options, stashed away in the freezer for when she arrived.

One of those was a veggie lasagna that was also dairy and gluten free. My mom and Hillary spent a bunch of time chopping vegetables and prepping the lasagnas. These are not exactly low prep time meals. Hillary participated despite her flagging energy levels and increased pain.

I didn't realize we had one remaining until I was digging around in the freezer a week or so after Hillary died. Heather and Roger would be back for the celebration of life, so the obvious time to have it would be then. It would only get freezer burned if I waited longer, my kids likely weren't going to enjoy it, and it was too large for just me.

So we had it last night.

It was great. The kids hated it. I didn't tell them, that would have served zero purpose.

Hillary would have been content. Lasagna was in her top handful favourite of meals and one that wasn't up to her standard was a disappointment to her.

I'm not 100% certain that everything cooked by Hillary has now been eaten as there could be a lone muffin buried in the freezer somewhere. We have definitely eaten the last full meal that existed due to work from her hands.

And life goes on I guess.