Isaac's first wedding

Was it really the first wedding that Isaac went to? I'm not actually one hundred percent sure about that. It was certainly the first wedding he went to that he was old enough that he could talk about it and remember it for years afterwards.

It was a friend of the family. The groom worked in the film industry. Specifically with a role that roughly can be described as, "Provides realistic Roman Empire era armour, weapons, and fighting training for all your period piece needs."

This particular wedding was also taking place outside at a house with some nice grounds that contained various things to keep the kids busy.

Hillary and I worried about this while we were at the wedding. This particular event set some possibly unrealistic expectations for what types of things might happen at future weddings.

It was unlikely there would be a pool at most weddings Isaac went to. Trampolines were also somewhat unlikely. This one actually came up at the next wedding he went to. When we got there, he asked where the trampoline was.

Most notably, for a lengthy period of time after this particular wedding, Isaac would often pipe in that he was looking forward to going to the next wedding. If we asked why, his answer was immediate, "I want to see people hit each other with swords."

This would be a tough act to follow.