The last date

I've mentioned the last time before.

My last date with Hillary is one of those things that slid past without anything marking it as something special.

In hindsight, I think that's how Hillary would have wanted it. Just a normal outing, having lunch together.

It was June 25th, I had managed to get downtown without my credit card or id. I messaged Hillary and she suggested that she could bring them into Vancouver for me. I wasn't overly worried and said that I didn't need them unless she wanted to join me for lunch.

She ran some errands including picking me up a new bathing suit as my old one was no longer really intact.

She got downtown and I was finishing up some meetings. She picked me up a milkshake from Fatburger and we went across the street from the Harbour Centre to get some vermicelli from Pholicious.

It was a sunny and somewhat windy day. We walked down to the Granville Plaza with our food and sat down at one of the tables there. We got splashed occasionally by the fountain when a gust of wind would come up

We talked about stuff. Cancer and health came up as it always did, but we also talked about the kids, the summer, and our travel plans for Amanda's wedding in Cranbrook. We discussed trying to get out to Ontario for a while, but didn't know when as it would be treatment dependent.

I went back to work, Hillary went home and it was over.

Just a day in in a couple of lives.