
In 2018, we played a fair bit of a video game called Overcooked. I won't rehash that much here.

As it was a game we all played together, through the last couple of months of 2018, the kids often suggested we play that game. I turned that down as it was primarily a Warren and Hillary activity and I wasn't ready to.

A couple of days ago, I was browsing the Nintendo online store, trying to find somewhere to spend some outstanding credits I had. Overcooked 2 was on sale.

I debated a while, then bought it. The kids and I played for an hour or so yesterday morning. Not surprisingly, the dynamics of playing it are dramatically different.

Hillary mostly took the role of project manager when the four of us played. My task was more the expert game player who had the mechanical skills needed to do the tougher tasks and fill holes.

It's still a good game, we'll play it.

Review: If you're particular, don't buy it on the switch, get the PC version. That said, if you need to play on a plane with kids, you kind of don't have too many choices.